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Pelvic Floor Clinic

The importance of dedicated pelvic floor clinic can not be over emphasized. Patients with obstructed defacation & faecal incontinence are often complex to understand and manage properly. Many have urinary & gynaecologic problems as well. Such patients can not really be given the time or the expertise they need within normal clinics & must be seen in specialized non rushed clinics. The essential ingridients of dedicated pelvic floor clinics should include:

A. Provision of adequate time slots for patients. A minimum of 20 minutes slots is required per patient

B. Medical staff interested in pelvic floor disorders, which in practice mean

Colorectal Surgeon interested in pelvic floor disorders


Female Nurse specializing in pelvic floor problems

My NHS pelvic floor clinic are on 3rd Monday afternoon at QEQM. Another clinic at KCH is planned early in 2009